Password Importance

One of the best ways to protect yourself online is to use a strong, unique password. Weak passwords are easily guessed and can lead to serious consequences, such as identity theft, the loss of confidential data, and in some cases compromised systems.

To help you create a strong Muraflex password for your account, we have implemented account password policies which detects and prohibits the use of weak passwords.  In addition, the following are some best practices for creating strong passwords in general.


Password Best Practices

  • Muraflex passwords must be between 10 to 20 characters in length. Passwords that are at least 10 characters long, and that contain a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, symbols and punctuation marks are generally the strongest.
  • When resetting your password: Create a password that is distinctly different from your previous passwords. Passwords that have been updated by changing, removing, or adding only one character are easy to guess. See Tips and Tricks for Creating Strong Passwords below for guidelines.
  • Keep your password private: Do not share your password with anyone. In the event that you may have given away your password, change it immediately. Refer to the Change your Muraflex password for information on how to reset your Password.
  • Keep personal details out of passwords: Refrain from using sensitive information in your passwords, such as your birth date, SIN number, first and/or last name or phone number. Do not use your username as your password.
  • Do not use the same password for all accounts: Your Muraflex Username and Password provide you with access to many services. Make sure you do not use your password to access your personal accounts, such as banking, personal email, and social media. This way, if one of your passwords is compromised, your other accounts will be safe.
  • Do not leave your computer unattended: If you have to be away from your computer, log off your workstation or lock your computer.
  • Update your password regularly. Muraflex system will enforce you to change your password periodically I you are not doing it.


Tips and Tricks for Creating Strong Passwords

Here are a few tips for creating passwords that are easy to remember but hard to guess.

1. Avoid simple keyboard sequences

Do not include adjacent keyboard combinations, such as “ASDFGH”, “qwerty” or “12345678”, as these are easy to guess.

2. Create a PassPhrase

Instead of using a single word as your password, use multiple words. This is called a passphrase. For example, your passphrase could be "I love this weather!" To make this passphrase secure, insert a number in this passphrase, and substitute a common punctuation mark for the spaces: ""8I&love*this@weather!" This will result in a password that is easy to remember but difficult for a cyber criminal to compromise.

3. First/Last Character Method 

You can take the passphrase used in the previous example and make an acronym from the first letter of each word, remembering to insert the punctuation marks: "8I&l*t@w!". You can also create an acronym using the last letter of each word in the passphrase.

NOTE: Do not use either of the above examples as your password! Create a passphrase that will be personally relevant and easy for you to remember.